How aging adults can maintain their mental acuity


Aging is associated with or linked to a host of mental and physical side effects.

Although physical side effects like diminished vision might not frighten aging men and women as much as the notion of age-related cognitive decline. Some immediately associate such decline with Alzheimer’s disease, an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys memory and cognitive skills, ultimately compromising a person’s ability to perform even the simplest of tasks. But age-related cognitive decline is not always symptomatic of Alzheimer’s disease. Learning about Alzheimer’s and how to maintain mental acuity can help men and women better understand the changes their brains might be undergoing as they near or pass retirement age.

Is Alzheimer’s disease hereditary?

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) notes that only a very rare form of Alzheimer’s disease is inherited. Early-onset familial Alzheimer’s disease is caused by mutations in certain genes. If these genes are passed down from parents, then the offspring is likely, but not certain, to get the disease. While many adults may be concerned about Alzheimer’s because one of their parents had the disease, the NIA notes that the majority of Alzheimer’s cases are late-onset, with no obvious family pattern.

Can Alzheimer’s disease be prevented?

Studies of Alzheimer’s disease are ongoing, but to date there is no proven way to prevent the onset of the disease.

How can I maintain mental acuity as I age?

Adults can take certain steps to maintain their mental acuity into retirement.

Exercise regularly – routine exercise may be most associated with physical benefits, but the NIA notes that such activity has been linked to benefits for the brain as well. The NIA notes that one study indicated exercise stimulated the brain’s ability to maintain old network connections and make new ones vital to cognitive health.

Read more – avid readers may be happy to learn that one of their favorite pastimes can improve the efficiency of their cognitive systems while delaying such systems’ decline.

Stay socially connected – maintaining social connections with family, friends and community members also can help prevent cognitive decline. Epidemiologist Bryan James of the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center studied how social activity affected cognitive decline, ultimately noting that the rate of cognitive decline was considerably lower among men and women who maintained social contact than it was among those with low levels of social activity.

The idea of age-related cognitive decline may concern men and women, but there are ways for adults to maintain their mental acuity well into their golden years.


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