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The Blaine partnership project appreciates The Northern Light providing independent, accurage information to your readers. Speaking for the project, we appreciate the Blaine City Council encouraging the City Administration to be a leading part of this team effort. Public agencies and nonprofit organizations can team up to create partnership projects that for-profit companies cannot afford to do on their own. Once the public and the nonprofits show what's possible, the for-profits want to help. When organizations from all three sectors (public, nonprofit, for-profit) team up, wonderful things can happen, especially when the fourth sector, the grassroots, sets up to help. You can think of it as a recipe; it's best when all four sectors are in the mix, and when there's political will to attempt something new. To The Northern Light's coverage above, I would like to add that if anyone has questions, concerns, suggestions, or other comments, they can contact Paul Schissler by email or phone. Thanks!

From: Conceptual design revealed for Blaine library, affordable condominium project in downtown Blaine

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